Lebanon: Sputnik’s Correspondent Wounded due to the Israeli Attacks

November 27, 2024 Hour: 8:32 pm
Sputnik’s correspondent in Lebanon, Abdelkader al-Bay, was wounded on Wednesday by Israeli fire while covering the withdrawal of Zionist troops from the southern part of the country.According to official sources, Al Bay was with a group of journalists near the border town of Al Khiyam when he received shrapnel wounds in his legs.During the incident, two other journalists were also injured, one in the face and the other with serious injuries to the thigh.According to more recent information, Al Bay, who received first aid and is out of danger, plans to continue his journalistic work in the city of Saida, where he will document the return of Lebanese to their homes.Testimonies from people at the scene indicate that the Zionist entity in Israel apparently knew that the attack was directed against journalists, as they saw a drone nearby.The event occurred on the same day that the ceasefire agreed to by Israel and the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah came into effect, in which the Zionist entity in Tel Aviv pledged to withdraw its forces progressively from Lebanon over the next 60 days.Meanwhile, UN Security Council resolution 1701, which was adopted on 12 August 2006 to resolve the conflict between Israel and Lebanon, calls on Israel to a permanent ceasefire and withdraw its forces from the south of the country, and urges Hezbollah to retreat north of the Litani River.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: Almayadeen